References and photos


Hospitals, schools, kindergartens, restaurants, hotels and restaurants throughout Croatia.

M-Frigo reference Hotel Bristol
M-Frigo reference Hotel Lav Split
M-Frigo reference Hotel Bretanide Bol
M-Frigo reference Snow Queen Trophy
M-Frigo reference
M-Frigo reference

Hospitals, schools, kindergartens and many other public institutions

Our installation, service and maintenance activities are specialized for large users and public institutions that need fast and quality service.

Our staff is educated and trained for all your requirements in terms of cooling systems and thermals with a guarantee.

The service business covers a large number of restaurants, hotels and  catering facilities throughout Croatia.

Hotel Bristol Opatija
Hotel Lav Split
Hotel Bretanide Bol
Technical support for the Snow Queen Trophy 2004-2018
Education about new products - fairs in Milan, Nurnberg ,Koln, Padova, Firenze
Education according to the Leonardo da Vinci program - Hannover 
and many other

Master exams

Fairs and education

M Frigo majstorski ispiti

Master exams

Mr. Mladen Leš, owner of M-Frigo service, is a regular member of the Commission for taking the master's exam at the Zagreb Chamber of Crafts.
New master service technicians are regularly trained at M-Frigo.

M-Frigo sajmovi i edukacija

Fairs and education

Education about new products - fairs in Milan, Nurnberg ,Koln, Padova, Firenze.
Education according to the Leonardo da Vinci program - Hannover 

Photo Gallery

mr.Mladen Leš in 'Potrošački kod' from February 12th, 2022
(from 17'55'')

Snow Queen Trophy

2004 -2018

M-Frigo provided technical support for the Snow Queen Trophy project in Zagreb from 2004 to 2018


M-FRIGO, installation, service and repair of professional kitchen equipment, cooking and refrigeration equipment and appliances,
Mr. Mladen Leš, owner
Dolovska 32, 10090 Zagreb, | OIB: 77025586031
Phone. 01/3732 053 ; Fax. 01/3757 470 | Mob. +385(0)98 301960; +385(0)98 697039; +385 (0)95 8888 246 |
www.m-frigo-servis.hr | e-mail: m-frigo@zg.t-com.hr | les.mladen@gmail.com